How Much Spending Money Do I Need In California?

Welcome to sunny California! When planning your trip to the Golden State, it’s important to budget for your spending money wisely. From exploring the beaches in Malibu to dining in San Francisco’s famous restaurants, California offers a wide range of activities that cater to all budgets. To make the most of your trip and ensure you have enough spending money for shopping, dining, and entertainment, it’s recommended to budget around $100-$200 per day. By planning ahead and setting a realistic budget, you can fully enjoy all that California has to offer without breaking the bank. How Much Spending Money Do I Need In California?

How much spending money do you need in California? It’s a common question for travelers planning a trip to the Golden State. From the vibrant city life of Los Angeles to the stunning natural beauty of Yosemite National Park, California offers a wide range of experiences that can vary in cost. In this article, we’ll break down different aspects of your trip, from accommodation to meals to transportation, to help you estimate how much spending money you’ll need for your California adventure.

Accommodation Costs

When it comes to accommodation costs in California, prices can vary greatly depending on the location, type of accommodation, and time of year. In popular tourist destinations like San Francisco or Santa Monica, hotel prices can be on the higher end, while more budget-friendly options are available in cities like Sacramento or Fresno.

If you’re looking for a mid-range hotel, you can expect to pay anywhere from $100 to $250 per night, with luxury hotels costing upwards of $300 or more. Alternatively, you can opt for budget accommodations like hostels or Airbnb rentals, which can range from $50 to $150 per night.

Tips for Saving on Accommodation

  • Book your accommodation well in advance to take advantage of early booking discounts.
  • Consider staying outside of major tourist areas for lower prices.
  • Look for package deals that include accommodation and other amenities.

Food and Dining Expenses

California is known for its diverse culinary scene, with a wide range of dining options to suit every budget. From gourmet restaurants in Los Angeles to food trucks in San Francisco, you’ll find plenty of choices for every palate.

On average, a meal at a mid-range restaurant in California can cost between $15 to $30 per person, while a three-course meal at a high-end restaurant can set you back $50 to $100 or more. If you’re looking to save money, consider dining at local cafes, food markets, or grabbing a quick bite from a food truck.

Tips for Saving on Food and Dining

  • Look for happy hour deals and lunch specials at restaurants.
  • Try local street food for a budget-friendly option.
  • Stock up on snacks and drinks from grocery stores to save on dining out.

Transportation Expenses

Getting around California can be a significant expense, especially if you plan to travel between different cities or regions. While major cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco have public transportation options like buses and trains, renting a car may be more convenient for exploring the state.

Car rental prices in California can vary depending on the type of vehicle, rental duration, and insurance coverage. On average, you can expect to pay between $30 to $70 per day for a standard car rental, with additional costs for gas, tolls, and parking. If you’re staying in a city, consider using ride-sharing services like Uber or Lyft for shorter distances.

Tips for Saving on Transportation

  • Compare car rental prices from different companies to find the best deal.
  • Take advantage of public transportation options like buses and trains.
  • Consider using bike-sharing services for short trips within cities.

Sightseeing and Activities

California is home to a wide range of attractions and activities, from national parks to theme parks to cultural landmarks. Entrance fees and tickets for these attractions can add up quickly, so it’s important to budget accordingly.

On average, you can expect to pay between $20 to $50 for entrance to national parks like Yosemite or Joshua Tree, and between $50 to $150 for theme park tickets like Disneyland or Universal Studios. Guided tours, outdoor activities, and museum visits may also incur additional costs, so be sure to factor these into your budget.

Tips for Saving on Sightseeing and Activities

  • Look for combination tickets that offer discounts for multiple attractions.
  • Check for discounts and deals for students, seniors, or military personnel.
  • Consider booking guided tours or activities in advance to secure lower prices.

Shopping and Souvenirs

No trip is complete without a little bit of shopping, and California offers a wide range of shopping opportunities, from luxury boutiques to bargain outlets. Whether you’re looking for designer clothing in Beverly Hills or unique souvenirs in San Diego, there’s something for everyone.

Shopping expenses can vary depending on your tastes and preferences, but on average, you can expect to spend between $50 to $200 on clothing, accessories, or gifts. Keep in mind that sales tax in California is around 7.25%, so be sure to factor this into your shopping budget.

Tips for Saving on Shopping and Souvenirs

  • Shop at outlet malls for discounted prices on designer brands.
  • Look for locally-made products and souvenirs for unique gifts.
  • Set a budget for shopping to avoid overspending on unnecessary items.

Emergency Expenses

While it’s important to budget for all your planned expenses, it’s also essential to set aside a contingency fund for unexpected costs that may arise during your trip. From medical emergencies to lost luggage to last-minute transportation changes, having extra funds available can provide peace of mind.

It’s recommended to set aside around 10-15% of your total budget as an emergency fund, which can cover unexpected expenses without disrupting your planned itinerary. Consider using a separate account or cash reserve to ensure you have access to funds when needed.

Tips for Managing Emergency Expenses

  • Keep a copy of important documents like passports and insurance information in a secure location.
  • Research local emergency services and medical clinics in advance of your trip.
  • Use credit cards or travel insurance for added protection against unforeseen circumstances.


Planning a trip to California involves careful consideration of various expenses, from accommodation to dining to transportation. By estimating your spending money needs for each category and setting aside a contingency fund for emergencies, you can enjoy your California adventure without breaking the bank.

Remember to research prices, look for discounts and deals, and prioritize your spending to make the most of your trip. With a little bit of planning and budgeting, you can have a memorable experience exploring the diverse attractions and experiences that California has to offer. Safe travels and happy budgeting!